The change tornado

The change tornado

The Change Tornado

Ever found yourself enjoying life, feeling like everything is going just right, only to wake up one day in the middle of chaos? Like a whirlwind has swept through and turned everything upside down?

I call it the *tornado of change*.

It’s when life feels completely out of control. The winds of change come fast and furious, tossing everything around, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t steer or find your footing. All you can do is hang on and ride out the storm.

If you know exactly what I’m talking about, keep reading. If not, save this for a time when the weather changes—it likely will.

My Tornado Story

Not long ago, I found myself in the eye of a Category 5 tornado. My relationship with a family member and his family broke down completely. My mum passed away from cancer. My dog Jeru also died from cancer, and Skyla, my other dog, lost all her puppies. On top of that, Sharman, another of my fur babies, had cancer and needed surgery.

Professionally, things weren’t any better. I left a high-paying job because I stood up to bullying and harassment and needed legal support to get through it. My health was crumbling under the pressure, and just getting through each day felt like a monumental task. To make things worse, I tried starting a new job in the midst of all this chaos, but it turned out to be a complete disappointment.

And then, of course, there was COVID—the backdrop to everything.

It was, without a doubt, one of the hardest years of my life. If you’ve ever been caught in a tornado of change, you’ll know how difficult it is to stay balanced and grounded.

Riding Out the Storm

As I was weathering my storm, I tried everything I could to stay stable. It wasn’t easy, but I learned some strategies that helped me, and I want to share them with you in case you ever find yourself in the middle of a change tornado.

1. Recognise the Tornado
The first step is to acknowledge that you’re in the middle of a storm. Don’t resist or fight it; allow it to exist. Use grounding techniques or tools (like the Authentic scent) to help you feel stable.

2. Stay Calm
The power of your mind is incredible. Staying calm is crucial, even when everything around you is spinning. Scents like *Calm & Relax* or *Balance* can support you in maintaining a sense of peace.

3. Reflect on the Changes
Take a good, honest look at your life. What’s changing? What needs to change? During my tornado, I found the *Clarity* scent invaluable for this step.

4. Set Goals
Once you’ve identified what needs to change, set clear goals and take small steps toward them. My *Creation* scent helped me stay focused on this process.

5. Commit and Trust
Commit to your path and trust the process. Even when it feels scary or uncertain, know that the storm is guiding you somewhere. I used *Forward Faith* to keep fear at bay.

6. Let Go of What No Longer Serves You
Sometimes, the tornado comes to clear away what isn’t aligned with your higher self. Letting go is tough, but necessary. My *Letting Go* scent supported me in releasing what I needed to.

7. Ask for Ease and Grace
Speak to your higher self, asking for the process to unfold with ease and grace. Then, be patient and trust.

When the Tornado Ends

When the winds die down, you’ll wake up feeling different—calmer, more at peace, and somehow renewed. The world will look and feel different because the storm has shifted you to where you’re meant to be.

For me, 2021’s tornado ended, and it left me with a clean slate. It was time to start fresh and discover who I was without all the things I’d lost.

I found balance by spending time in my garden, swimming with my dogs, listening to music, and writing again. I’ve used every scent in my 5D collection, and now I’m leaning into the Uplifting Collection and *Yes* to embrace this new chapter.

I feel calm, clear, and no longer care about what others think. I know what I want my life to look like, and I’m creating it on my terms.

The Lesson of the Tornado

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: life is always perfect, even when it feels chaotic. You don’t need to control the storm. You don’t need to force or steer anything.

The calm exists within the eye of the tornado. Trust the winds, even when they scare the hell out of you. Let the storm do its thing, knowing it’s guiding you exactly where you need to go.

Life is amazing when you let go and flow with the universal process.

So if you find yourself in a tornado of change, hang on, trust the process, and let the winds carry you to your next destination.

Scent Oils

Our hand-blended oils are like bottled magic, with 30ml of our pure, enchanting blends. Perfect for oil burners, electronic diffusers, or even a touch on your wrist to carry the magic with you. To help you get started, we've crafted special packs that let you choose your favourite scents —the more you gather, the more you save!

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